rarescale records
rarescale's record label, rarescale records produces recordings of works written for the ensemble.

Release date: 8th August 2012 rarescale records rr005
Nocturne - rarescale plays Michael Oliva
Available NOW on iTunes

Release date:1st June 2012 rarescale records rr004
Devices and Desires
Music by Carla Rees and Scott Miller for flute and electronics
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Also available on rarescale records:

Release date:7th August 2008 rarescale records rr001
Apparition and Release - rarescale plays Michael Oliva

Release date: 27th August 2008 rarescale records rr002
Moss Garden - a rarescale sampler
Music by Michael Oliva, Daniel Kessner, Karen Gourlay, Lorenz Dangel, David Burnand, and Vasco Hexel

Release date: 1st November 2009 rarescale records rr003
Moment - rarescale plays David Bennett Thomas
Other discs featuring rarescale performers include:
• Apparition and Release (wire tapper exclusive edit), Wire Tapper 20, published with The Wire magazine (October 2008)
• David Bennett Thomas – Chamber Works, Capstone CPS-8754 (2006)
• Scorpio: The Music of Nicholas Sackman, Metier MSV CD92049 (2005)
• Marc Yeats – Stillness in Movement, An Tuirann/illegal harmony (2004)
Multimedia CD ROM
• Composing For Quarter Tone Alto Flute
Carla Rees & David Burnand, Royal College of Music, London 2003, revised 2009